1. My passions are often what determine my opinions.
2. I love reading...classic novels, Christian expositors,political biographies, thrillers, romance, children novels...pretty much everything
3. Thunderstorms relax me
4. I continually seek to serve Jesus in any way I can
5. I love youth, despite the fact that they manage to make me feel old already
6. My husband is my best friend
7. I watch Disney movies to unwind
8. I am addicted to tv shows like NCIS and Castle and Bones and can watch an entire season in one sitting if given the time and opportunity
9. I used to watch the Food Network anytime I was cooking (hoping to be inspired)
10. I would love to go to cooking school, take dance lessons (jazz and hip hop), and voice lessons
11. I still contemplate getting my Masters but then I remember the amount of work college classes require
12. My dream job is to be a part (or create) a ministry that serves as a resource to teenage girls (my prototype is called Simply Ministries)
13. I adore my sweet daughter but am petrified that she will be like me when she gets older
14. Besides God, my family will always be my priority
15. I wish I had a larger vocabulary
16. I adore writing but often feel that what I write is sub-par
17. I currently have 4 different books started, all completely different from each other: a political/Christian living piece, a thriller, and a "feel-good" story based around friendship, and a guideline to get beyond just thinking and using your spiritual gifts
18. I am a 5th generation Floridian and actually proud of it :-)
19. God is continually growing me through the jobs he provides and the challenges they entail (right now, that means raising my own support)
20. I am blessed beyond my understanding and thankful each and every day that I am able to share those blessings with others!